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Course: Become A Better Singer: Vocal Training for All Skill Levels
Transform your singing without expensive voice lessons! Sing with freedom! Voice lessons, warm-ups and exercises.
This is the course you’ve been looking for.
Whether you are a trained singer looking to add new depth and freedom to your voice, or whether you are an inexperienced singer who’s looking for a total vocal makeover, this course is guaranteed to help you learn how to improve your singing voice.
This course will apply to those who want to sing with a classical tone, pop/ rock/ jazz stylings, or any kind of vocal style you wish. The same underlying principles are at work in all styles of singing.
Singing isn’t a talent you’re born with, it’s a skill you can learn, and here’s why: because every single day those with “natural talent” get surpassed by singers who work hard.
This is not a lofty dream, this is proven reality. One of Nathan’s students several years ago was a young woman who came in for her first lesson literally only able to sing 5 pitches; everything else would crack or wouldn’t come out at all. But she knew she wanted to sing more than anything. She studied these same techniques and practised hard at home. In time, she had one of the top auditions for her school’s honour choir.
If you can begin building a habit of singing often, with healthy technique, your voice will improve. That’s what this course is all about. It’s a thorough guide to helping you uncover the hidden roadblocks you may not realize you have in your vocal technique, and to teach you how to find lasting improvement in your voice.
Nathan’s original vocal exercises are specifically designed to help singers release vocal tension, using lyrics and patterns that reinforce positive vocal habits. They are available to sing along with on video or to download and print for personal or educational use.
Nathan has a B.A. in Vocal Music Education and leads worship weekly at a growing church in Iowa. He’s a composer, pianist, and guitarist. He was a section leader in one of the top college choral ensembles in the nation, and he’s taught scores of voice students in private lessons.
He is also known for the Udemy course Piano Building Blocks, a fun and simple method for learning to play the piano by chord.
What will I learn?
- Control vocal pitch more accurately;
- Reach higher notes with more freedom;
- Sing for longer periods of time without fatigue;
- Sing with clearer, more even tone.
Willingness to invest a little bit of time in vocal exercises.
Who is the target audience?
Anyone who wants to improve their singing voice.
Click here for further detailed information and enrollment: Become A Better Singer: Vocal Training for All Skill Levels.
Shortlink: https://ivolunteer.vn/z/27003
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